A Day in the Life

Of course, as it's me, the day doesn’t officially start until I’ve got a cup of coffee in my hand but this is how I like to start my day. I consider myself to be a bit of an information junkie, so here’s a quick list of the resources that I turn to on a daily basis:

  • Politico California Playbook by Carla Marinucci

Carla’s daily briefing of all things California is how I start the morning. A rundown of the most important issues of the day along with links to the stories, the California Playbook is a great way to gear up for what’s top of mind in the Golden State. Posted to Politico.com at 7am daily, the email version hits my inbox around 7:02, I’m usually reading with one hand and putting mascara on with the other! It’s important for us to know what’s going on in our home state – political activity can have a HEAVY impact on media availability, and since we also love doing political buys, it’s important for us to stay on top of the latest goings on.

Read and subscribe here: http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/california-playbook

  • The Washington Post

Even though I don’t subscribe to a print edition, the digital edition of The Post is my go to for news, culture, and commentary. I do like their iPad app for its ease of use and functionality.

Though I’m a new subscriber, I also like the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times.

  • The Sacramento Bee, The Sacramento Business Journal, Comstock’s

My favorite ways to stay on top of what’s happening in my backyard.

  • Adweek

Industry reading that, like our industry, is never boring! We send a lot of interesting articles and research around the office to keep each other informed and educated, and many of them come from Adweek.

  • Office of the California Secretary of State, sos.ca.gov

Ground zero for elections in California. The Secretary of State’s website is a trove of information about Ballot Measures, Recalls, Lobbying and Campaign Finance data. Plus, you can register to vote and read up on the many (many) Ballot Measures that are out for circulation.

  • Twitter

I’ve been active for a few years, but in terms of breaking news, sports and events, Twitter is where it’s at. Some of my favorite people to follow include: The Daily Show,  Jon LovettVulture,  Chris Sacca, and Five Thirty Eight. You can follow me @mcanna or @annaschweis